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Date: TBD
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Dental/Prosthetic Involvement in Multidisciplinary Approach in Head and Neck Cancer Treatment
Presented By: Harry Reintsema DDS, PhD
Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Time: 07:30 AM CET
Overview: Maxillofacial Prosthetics (MFP) is the discipline within dentistry taking care of the dental care/rehabilitation of oral and craniofacial defects and abnormalities in congenital and acquired conditions. In Head and Neck Oncology Care MFP preferably becomes involved already in the diagnostic stage together with other rehabilitative disciplines like plastic surgery, to be able to obtain an optimal result to keep or regain functional capacities and quality of life after treatment for head and neck tumors.
Dental/Prosthetic rehabilitation in making intra and extra-oral (defect) prostheses has evolved rapidly over the last years, e.g. using implants for retention of former instable prostheses. Also prosthetic planning has become a keystone for surgical planning; digital technology has shown to be helpful and can ease many steps.
In this ISMR Webinar the care path for Head and Neck Oncology patients as used in the UMC Groningen and the above will be elucidated.
3D Printing Against Maxillofacial Cancer
Presented By: Dr. Adrien Naveau
Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Time: 07:00 CET
Overview: Advances in 3D printing have resulted in new tools available for the treatment of oral and maxillofacial disorders. Increased accuracy and accessibility of 3D printing technology has increased the surgical and prosthetic applications in the world of surgery and prosthodontics. It is now possible to print custom medical instruments at an affordable cost. In this webinar, we will discuss the different products that can be obtained through 3D printing and used for maxillofacial resections and surgical/prosthetic reconstructions. Participants will receive an overview of anatomical models, guides, custom tools, and different research applications of 3D printing in maxillofacial rehabilitation.